Brown Street UMC
Our Worship Time is Sundays at 9:00 AM

Everyone is welcome at Brown Street!

Planting Hope. Growing Life.

We are a family of Christ followers who welcome all to gather and grow as we commit ourselves to care for one another, build community, and advocate for social change.


About Us

Founded in 1851 as a German Methodist Church, Brown Street has been a long-time presence in the heart of Lafayette. Though we continue to preserve and worship in our historic building and honor our history, we are also open to the new. In 2014, we added raised bed gardens to our property to share fresh produce with our neighbors. In 2020, we became a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network, cementing our commitment to be a welcoming, inclusive place for all people. We also started Family Dinner in 2020, a fresh expression focused on community, connection, and, of course, food. New things are always growing at Brown Street, but what remains unchanged is our commitment to creating disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world and welcoming and caring for everyone. We are not a perfect church and we don’t expect you to be perfect either. There is always a place for you at Brown Street.


Worship with us

On Sunday mornings at 9am, we offer a traditional service with familiar music led by piano. Preaching is centered on scripture and celebrates the Good News, while challenging us to move beyond our comfort zones as imperfect people in transition. Come and worship with us! Everyone is welcome.

Join us for Family dinner

We care about our neighbors, neighborhood, and community and value connection. Each Tuesday at 5:30pm, we gather together in our Fellowship Hall to share a homecooked meal, converse with each other around the table, and hear a story about Jesus. Everyone is welcome to join us around the table. There is always a place and a plate for you!


Our Community Garden

Since 2014 we have offered a sharing garden in downtown Lafayette. We now have 30 beds dedicated to providing an abundance of organic produce to our community. By freely sharing the fruits and vegetables, we aim to help relieve the personal ill-health effects of our downtown food desert. Stop by anytime during the spring, summer, and early fall and help yourself to some fresh produce, or on Wednesdays at 9am to help weed, water, and harvest.


Get Connected

We believe in the importance of community, which is why we offer a variety of ways to connect with one another. From weekly lunches to meditation to support groups to rotating Bible studies, there is something for everyone.